In a unique collaboration aimed at empowering youth through the arts, Lalela and Honest Chocolate present a special edition of chocolate slabs designed by students from Ukhanyo Primary School in Masiphumelele Township, Cape Town. This limited-edition collection showcases the vibrant and creative talents of these young artists, with all proceeds supporting the Masiphumelele students through Lalela.

The chocolate slabs are adorned with original designs created by students ranging from Grade 4 to Grade 12. Given complete freedom to express their artistic visions, the students produced a colourful array of drawings that reflect both their creativity and the scenic beauty of their environment.

Statement from Aa’ishah, Marketing Coordinator at Honest Chocolate “During our initial visit to Ukhanyo Primary School, I was thrilled to see the creative potential of the students as they designed their chocolate slabs. The drive to Masiphumelele offered breathtaking views, and many of the students’ artworks captured these landscapes, despite the township’s lack of natural scenery,” says Aa’ishah.

“On our return visit to reveal the finished chocolate slabs, the students were overjoyed to see their designs come to life. I also spoke with Phumie, who leads the after-school art classes, about the importance of providing a safe space for students to express themselves and escape challenging home environments. Gang violence remains a serious concern in the townships, particularly among the youth, and Lalela is committed to offering care and support through their art programs.”

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