Based in Parktown, Johannesburg, the Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital NPC (NMCH) is a Government aided, 200+ bed academic tertiary and quaternary paediatric referral facility. Founded by the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund and funded by private donors, the Hospital is a legacy organisation and was opened in June 2017 with the intention to serve children of Southern Africa irrespective of their socio-economic standing.

The Hospital serves as the only dedicated specialised referral paediatric facility in Gauteng for both public and private patients. The Hospital has primarily rendered clinical services to public patients and started providing clinical services to private paying patients in November 2019.

NMCH dedicated the initial years of its operations on commissioning and ramping up of patients in a phased approach based on best practices given the funding model, availability of clinical resources and ensuring patients safety and minimisation of any start-up risks. The ramp up of clinical services to private paying patients is a critical component of the funding model to ensure optimal operation of the Hospital.

NMCH is seeking more affordable service offerings with shared values with our organisation from the market as it is undergoing a significant cost reduction exercise currently.

NMCH currently appointments with various services providers and has taken the decision to re-procure the following soft services for an indicative 3-year period:

  • Cleaning
  • Security
  • Catering
  • Waste & Recycling
  • Hygiene
  • Laundry

The objective of this RFP is to ensure the best value proposition for the supply of a services solution to NMCH, by requesting Service Providers to submit a proposal (or a bundled proposal) which promotes service quality and significant cost saving benefits to NMCH.

NMCH invites all interested parties who have a desire to submit a compliant bid to participate in this procurement process.

NMCH is committed to furthering B-BBEE within South Africa, and must ensure that all Service Providers comply, and are measured in terms of their applicable Codes of Good Practice, as amended.

A scorecard provided in the compliance stage, shall be used for evaluation. The evaluation will however look beyond the scorecard and Bidders are encouraged to present their best approach to maximising the opportunities for enterprise development, skills transfer, learnerships and other social initiatives within the overall cost saving business drivers of NMCH.

Bid Process


  • Registration to receive RFP documents
  • NMCH to issue RFP to registered bidders


  • Register for online Project Briefing Session
  • Bid preparation
  • Bid submission

Bid Evaluation & Appointment

  • Compliance check
  • Technical evaluation
  • Commercial evaluation
  • Recommendation to NMCH entity for award
  • Preferred bidder negotiations
  • Contractual close

Procurement Stages 


NMCH shall advertise for the required services and all interested parties shall download the RFP document from

Bid Stage 

On receipt of the RFP, the Bidder shall review the document and submit their interest in attending the online Project Briefing session. Please note that only these interested Bidders shall be invited to the online Project Briefing session and receive the balance of the documents. During this stage all Bidders shall prepare their bid submission and follow all the necessary procurement rules provided.

Bid Evaluation and Appointment 

NMCH shall appoint a Bid Evaluation Committee (“BEC”) to review all the bids received and undertake a full evaluation prior to making any recommendation to the Bid Adjudication Committee (“BAC”). All bids in excess of R5 million shall also be submitted to the Board for approval. Both the BEC and BAC shall have representatives appointed by NMCH and shall be interdisciplinary.

Bid Clarification

During the tender period, Bidders may submit clarification requests to NMCH for a response. The following process is to be followed:

  1. The full tender documents are available for download from the organisation’s website
  2. All queries may be emailed to
  3. All queries must clearly state the tender, the query, the reference in the RFP and what the implication may be on the tender.
  4. NMCH shall review the query, in which NMCH believes it necessary, issue a Clarification Note to all registered Bidders who attended the online Project Briefing session.

Submission Requirements 

Submission requirements are detailed on the organisation’s website including requirement to submit all bids electronically via email to  before 12 noon on 03 November 2021. 


Source: http://Daily Maverick

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