BY: Amanda Mkhize.

Medical equipment was handed over last month at community healthcare facilities, as part of a collective effort between public and private institutions to support the needs of primary healthcare that services the Siyancuma Local Municipal area.

Together with the Department of Health, Boikanyo Solar funded this support, as an extension of its Healthcare Support Programme. Through this partnership, the department’s needs and shortages were identified, to help ease its financial burden.

“Our healthcare facilities face many challenges, whilst the demand for healthcare services, especially primary health care, continues to grow. We hope to improve the conditions so that these facilities can better serve the community and foster a healthy environment,” stated Stephaline Fanie, Community Liaison Officer for Boikanyo Solar.

The medical equipment provided consisted of ECG machines, paediatric saturation metres, a medicine trolley, and adult and paediatric Ambu bags. This equipment plays a crucial role in addressing the facility’s needs, as well as providing immediate care and treatment, and preventing illnesses.

“We’re grateful for the ECG machine as it eliminates the need for patients to travel far to the local hospital for an ECG test, which is especially beneficial to those without transportation or the financial means to do so. With the machine available, diagnosis of cardiac problems can now be conducted at the facilities. Similarly, the finger saturation device will aid in identifying oxygen deficiencies and detecting lung problems early on,” said Sr. AK Tshwenyane, Manager at Breipaal Clinic.


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