Water and Sanitation Minister, Pemmy Majodina and Deputy Minister Sello Seitlholo have expressed their satisfaction at the progress on the upgrade of Klipdrift Water Treatment Works and the successful refurbishment of the Rooiwal Wastewater Treatment Works (WWTW) in Hammanskraal. They have also commended the refurbishments at Vereeniging, which have decreased sewer spillages at various places in Emfuleni Municipality.

Minister Majodina and Deputy Minister Seitlholo undertook the oversight visits at various water projects in Hammanskraal and Vereeniging over the weekend (24-25 August 2024).

They have received a progress report on the construction of Klipdrift package plant as well as the refurbishment and upgrade Babelegi Waste Water Treatment Plant. The projects are undertaken by Magalies Water as the implementing agent.

Another water project is the upgrade of Babelegi Reservoir, which will supply water to Temba Water Treatment Plant. A new pipeline from Babelegi to Temba will be constructed along the existing pipeline.

Babelegi Water Treatment plant currently supplies 12.5 mega litres per day (ml/day) to Babelegi Reservoir but the upgrades currently undertaken will result in more than 20 ml/day being supplied to various areas in Hammanskraal. The reservoir currently supplies 10 ml/day to the community but it will have an additional 12,5 ml/day once the upgrades are completed. The reservoir is anticipated to be operational from February 2025.

Minister Majodina also visited Rooiwaal Waste Water Treatment Works, which is currently being expanded and upgraded to ensure that there is an improvement in the quality of water discharged from the plant. The upgraded Rooiwal WWTW will also address water supply challenges experienced in Hammanskraal.

“We are happy about what we have witnessed. There is significant progress on the water projects, particularly on the Klipdrift Package Plant and this signifies government’s commitment to ensure that the people of Hammanskraal get fresh water. However, we call on the community to safeguard these infrastructures and keep them safe from being vandalised. They should work close with their ward councillors on issues of water supply to address issues of water leaks in their areas,” said Minister Majodina.

In Emfuleni Municipality, Minister Majodina and Deputy Minister Seitlholo conducted oversight visit at Leewkuil WWTW, which comprises of 37 pumpstations and is the main catchment plant for waste water in Emfuleni Municipality. Most of the domestic wastewater plants were dysfunctional, resulting in sewer spillages in various places, and polluting Vaal River.

In 2021, the former Minister of Water and Sanitation, Senzo Mchunu invoked and placed Emfuleni Local Municipality under Section 63 of the Water Services Act and took over water and sanitation services after it failed to manage its water and sanitation services with resulted in sewer spillages in communities and into the Vaal River polluting the raw water source.

Rand Water was appointed as an Implementing Agent to deliver an effective solution that will eradicate pollution in the river and its tributaries and address water and sanitation service delivery challenges that inhibit both social and economic development in the region.

Leeuwkuil WWTW upgrades includes pipeline upgrade and refurbishment of the catchment pump station as well as the construction of a new rising main. The plant has a capacity to supply 50 ml/day but will supply 200 ml/day following the upgrades.

The upgrades of the waste water treatment plant has brought about a relief of sewer spillages at various areas in Emfuleni municipality. Rand Water has also ensured that municipal officials are being capacitated with skills to continue to address issues of sewer blockages.

Deputy Minister Sello Seitlholo has commended Rand Water regarding their performance after the municipality was placed under Section 63 intervention.

Rand Water has been given an extension to upgrade other four major waster water plants in Emfuleni. The Department of Water and Sanitation has allocated R6.2 billion through its Regional and Bulk Infrastructure Grant (RBIG) to Rand Water for additional water and sanitation projects in Emfuleni.

“Rand Water has done exceptionally well in addressing issues of sewer spillages and river pollution. Emfuleni has experienced a huge population growth and there is therefore a need for more major upgrades of the plants in this area. The Department of Water and Sanitation will continue to support municipalities to address water and sanitation challenges. We hope that the municipality will assess itself and regain its capacity to assume responsibility for service delivery of water in the Vaal”, said Deputy Minister Seitlholo

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