In this month of love, GrandWest showed their heart for early childhood development by donating over R312 000 to meet the needs of young children in Khayelitsha and Nyanga, making a positive impact on the lives of young children in these communities.
In Khayelitsha, GrandWest partnered with Breadline Africa to provide a new classroom and infrastructure at The Nosapho Educare Centre. The new 30m2 prefabricated classroom, valued at R276 191, has also been furnished with daffodil chairs, nursery tables, and educational toys.
The Centre was established in 1989 to support the community by caring for the daily and educational needs of their children. Today, 11 staff members at Nosapho Education Centre teach life skills, numeracy, and language to the 120 youngsters enrolled. The Centre also offers them a safe haven in which to learn and grow.
At the Etafeni Daycare Centre in Nyanga, 104 learners received age-appropriate learning kits designed for Grade R and pre-Grade R. The packs, valued at R43 555 focus on language, maths and life skills.
The facility was first established in 2001 to provide support for women, orphans and vulnerable children living with, and affected by HIV and Aids. It identifies children who are not able to attend preschool due to financial challenges at home. In addition to its social welfare and outreach programmes, the Daycare Centre also offers youngsters age-appropriate educational programmes.
Mervyn Naidoo, the General Manager at GrandWest says, “As a business, we don’t simply support childhood development projects to appease our social conscience. We do so because it is deeply rewarding to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable young children. It is a privilege to contribute to creating safe spaces in which they can learn and prosper.”
Source Social Tv:
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