Eighty learners from 16 previously disadvantaged schools in Etwatwa and Sundra have received full school uniforms as part of EnviroServ Waste Management’s Chris Dlamini Dress a Learner programme.
The programme, which began 11 years ago, sees the learners, who hail from schools across EnviroServ’s Holfontein Waste Management facility, fully-kitted with brand-new school wear including blazers to shirts, jerseys, trousers, socks, shoes and tracksuits.
The learners hail from Sizofunda, Sazakhela, Sphethu, Myezana,  Vukucinge, Slindokuhle, Thembelihle, George Mbilase, Zamukhanyo and  W. J Mpengesi  primary schools, H. B Nyathi and Sunda high schools, and Dr Harry Gwala, Vezukhono,   Phandinfundo and Caiphus Nyoka secondary schools.
For some children, it was the first time they had received an item of clothing which was brand new, said EnviroServ’s Group Public Affairs Manager, Makgabo van Niekerk.
The government has made a call to corporate South Africa to assist in initiatives which accelerate nation building and development, and EnviroServ answered the call with their annual school uniform programme which clothes needy learners at schools around their operations across the country.
“EnviroServ is privileged to yet again be able to make a difference in the lives of learners around our waste management facilities. Knowing that we will contribute to the education and well-being of 205 future leaders is something we do not take for granted,” said Van Niekerk.
A total of 205 school children from around the country received needed school uniforms from head to toe from EnviroServ in ‪2024 – 80‬ from Gqeberha, 80 in Etwatwa event and 45 from schools in and around Phomolong.
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