The Constitution of South Africa reconfirms that South Africa belongs to all who live in it and is founded on the values of Human Dignity, the achievement of Equality and the advancement of Human Rights and Freedoms.

 “Everyone Can Work”,

Historically, persons with Down syndrome have relied on social grants as their only source of income. Those that do benefit from some sort of employment are mostly based at sheltered/protective workshops, run by non-profit organisations, and this has constituted as their participation in the open labour market.

Employment is one of the most important changeovers to an independent life, the World of Work Supported Employment Manual is a Down Syndrome South Africa’s employment project aimed at parents, employers and special schools in understanding what is supported employment, how to find the right match in the workplace and the support systems needed to open the pathway to successful employment of persons with Down syndrome.

Employment for persons with disabilities is Good4Business as there are mutual gains for both the employer and the person employed in the workplace. Persons with Down syndrome involved in employment initiatives have better quality of life and opportunities for development, while the companies that employ them often report significant improvement in their organisational health, such as leadership, client satisfaction and motivation for fellow staff. (Mckinsey & Company, March 2014 report)

The manual is available for order as well as training on supported employment for parents , employers and schools. Please support us by getting the word out there to improve attitude towards the employment of persons with Down syndrome.

For more information and to order your copy please contact the office at:

Visit our website:

Contact number: 012 001 2441/072 652 2377

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