FOCUS AREA: Down Syndrome


TELEPHONE: 012 001 2441



DESCRIPTION: Down Syndrome South Africa (DSSA) is a NPO and was formed in 1986 as the national umbrella body and parent advocacy organization and lobby group for the constitutional rights of persons with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities.

DSSA currently has 12 regional Associations/support and outreach groups throughout the country who provide services and support to persons with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities and their families.

  • Vision, Mission and Objectives

DSSA extends its care, support and services to children and adults from all backgrounds who are intellectually impaired, as well as those with multiple disabilities and developmental delay.

DSSA is committed to finding ways to improve the quality of life of all persons with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities, promoting the fact that they have the right to live with independence, dignity and security as valued adults and full citizens in our society.

  • Our Vision:

To ensure equal access, dignity and respect to all individuals with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities. 

  • Our Mission:

Improve the quality of life of persons with and affected by Down syndrome.

  • Programmes Focus Areas
  1. Capacity building of our members in all nine provinces
  2. Rights Based Advocacy on policy at national and international platforms on the right to education, universal healthcare for all, access to employment, political and social rights
  3. Awareness on Down syndrome thereby reducing the stigma, myths and discrimination that surround the condition

TWITTER: @DownSyndromeSA

FACEBOOK: DownSyndromeSouthAfrica

INSTAGRAM: downsyndromesouthafrica9

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