With the aim to offer students with great potential, despite associated unique life circumstances, the opportunity to pursue tertiary education, Transalloys has launched its 2023 study grant programme. The programme brings together a number of education stakeholders – each invested in finding the most promising beneficiaries.

Transalloys has once again set aside over R1m to support select pupils from the matric class of 2023 with study grants for 2024. Leveraging the same programme design used in 2022, the company will partner with the Department of Basic Education in the eMalahleni circuit (Nkangala District) local high schools and teachers to identify potential beneficiaries.

“Our programme design has proven a real differentiator,” explains Glenrose Shimusi, the LED practitioner from Transalloys. “From the outset, we were clear that we didn’t want to simply offer bursaries. This is based on what we know of our stakeholder communities and the significant challenges many of our children face. Given the high number of child-headed households and single parent households, coupled with the area’s unemployment rate, we know that many children have had to overcome adult situations and challenges. This means that they are already compromised in many respects before they even arrive at school in the morning. These are the learners we specifically want to uplift.”

Recommendations by teachers

Creating a system where learners are pre-selected and can’t apply themselves makes the team uniquely dependent on teacher insights. “Our teachers are our eyes and ears on the ground,” says Esther Mahlangu, Circuit 1 Manager at the Department of Basic Education in the eMalaleni Municipality. “We trust both their intuition and insights when it comes to the pre-selection of candidates. They’re also key contributors to the success of the programme in terms of motivating these students to do their best throughout the year: to keep on persisting despite obstacles and challenges.”

Mahlangu adds that the selection process speaks specifically to the intention behind the study grants: to make a real impact and drive change that others perhaps wouldn’t invest in. “While many corporates might consider our candidates a risky investment, we see them rather in the context of long-term investment. We know that if they’re given a real break – where they can focus on their own success – this can change their future trajectory. This is what we want to unlock.”

With teachers, schools and the Department now fully briefed, the search is now on for candidates for 2024. “With our 2023 beneficiaries just announced, we believe we’ve created a model where we’ll see impact for years to come. We’re looking forward to now embarking on this collective journey with the class of 2023, and finding those individuals where a hand-up can make all the difference.”

Source: https://www.bizcommunity.com/Article/196/627/237900.html

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Picture courtesy pexels: https://www.pexels.com/search/tertiary%20education/

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